Monday, January 09, 2023

Robcasting! Your Home for Something!


Found online. Apologies as I'm not sure who created this.

Take a look at that picture. Is it not glorious?

I mean, six whole years of Robcasting (the sixth anniversary is this July). It should call for a fancy logo, no?


No, it very much should not.

Oh I'm proud of the little webcasting engine that could known as Robcasting. I'll smile when we hit that sixth anniversary. We've carried a lot of things on there with most of it being game broadcasts and the internet audio version of "Doubleheader."

It's served as a backup to WGCH when the website went down. Or even when it hasn't.

It's also carried a lot more that I've kept on the down low because I ran things for friends and family to listen to. Additionally, it records the broadcast for me so that I have a copy for the archive. I also do quite a bit with minimal self-promotion.

Ah, yes, that. Look, we have to promote ourselves, especially a grassroots effort like Robcasting.

But, still, there is a limit to where it gets to be over the top.

When I became a moderator for the Play-by-Play Facebook group a few years ago, getting the rampant self-promotion under control was a big goal. It was up to a fever pitch during the pandemic and we wanted to help back it down or even eradicate it.

Well, we never got rid of it completely but I'd say Mike Hirn, Shawn Sailer, and I got it under control.

We also had to eject a few members who simply wouldn't stop doing it. Then, when we tried to talk with those members about it, they became belligerent.

At that point, they were gone.

But, why the logo and this conversation today?

Some self-promoters see it as "sink or swim" and I get that. Again, I promote games on my own social media pages (such as Hotchkiss/Brunswick hockey today at 5 p.m. on LocalLive and Robcasting). But there is a point where it climbs to a different level and I almost never promote my work in any social media group. 

And, to be honest, isn't it potential sponsors you want to be promoting with (and I'm awful at this).

But nothing will stop this. You'll still get the seflies and the testamonials and more. In fact, I could counter with all of the same.

I promoted WGCH's coverage of the Fairfield Prep/Greenwich state championship game last month. The response from the group was just as I thought: butterflies. Those who want to listen know me and know the particulars involved. A group of fellow broadcasters won't remotely care about listening to some guy in Greenwich, CT.

Fellow broadcasters Mike Hirn, Kevin Haplenny, and others will listen and/or watch because we're friends and they want to.

But the constant self-promoter is ringing the bell with a special logo for his operation. Which, fine. I saw it and I get it. So I decided to create one of my own with the same concept. 

You know, imitation and all. 

US 6 -- the shield in the logo -- goes from Cape Cod to California and is the main road through my hometown. So that gave me a laugh and the inspiration to put it together.

I sent it to Shawn and Mike. They both gave it a thumbs-up. 

Please don't see this as something to celebrate. Nah. Not yet. Take it for what it is: slightly tongue-in-cheek at myself.

Oh, I'm proud of Robcasting. I still don't like the name. 

And I'll be live today at 5 p.m.



On LocalLive.

And Robcasting.

Now in its sixth year.

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