Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Bell Let's Talk 2023


It's once again #BellLetsTalk Day. The "hashtag activism" was created in 2011 to raise awareness and combat the stigma surrounding mental illness -- specifically in Canada.

While it has had its share of controversy -- most notably Bell benefitting from free advertising as a result -- it's still an effort that I support here simply to raise the discussion about mental illness. Another controversy has been with how Bell treats their own employees struggling with mental health.

But we need to have productive conversations about our own inner struggles and demons and so, as I said, for that reason, I'm happy to endorse it.

There was once a time when people simply didn't discuss such things. Talk about depression? My goodness, no! That's just all made up anyway. You're looking for attention. Real men don't acknowledge such things.

Yes. Those things were said.

As I've known my own dark days, I can tell you I'm not seeking attention. Life isn't easy as we all know and while I think I'm in a much better place than I was, say, a year ago, it can be really easy to fall back down.

I'm always reminded of a quote from the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's (based on the story by Truman Capote) in which Audrey Hepburn's Holly Golightly is discussing the blues, and worse, "the mean reds."

"The blues are because you're getting fat and maybe it's been raining too long, you're just sad that's all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of."

Yup. Been there and I'd rather not go back. The mean reds are just ... dark.

And so I am the constantly available friend/big brother/crazy uncle to anyone and everyone. There's nothing heroic about it. To be clear: I'm not a professional. I'm just me and I just want people to know I'm here if they need someone to talk to. There will no be questions asked nor will advice be offered if it's not wanted. On the other hand, I'm happy to kick a tail as needed.

I dealt with the macho minimizing of concerns in my life and I find it unacceptable. As I said, such things weren't discussed. One thing I found out years ago was that I had no support system (shocking, right?). Part of that is often being my own worst enemy (oh, I still am). But while I'm still tough on myself I've actually let off the gas a little bit.

I've taken my fair share of losses. We all have. Some of them have just cut me to my knees and I needed time to dust myself off. I have come out stronger as a result. Some of them still hurt. Trust me. But I can find the silver lining as well.

My confidence is constantly shaky about the one thing that I thought I could do fairly well: broadcast sports. The reasons for this are varied and that's really not the point of the post tonight. But growth in me means a recent job that I looked into didn't even get a glance. It could be easy to get upset about it but I chose to remind myself that why people get jobs is a very inexact science. Is it a condemnation of the industry? Not necessarily. 

So, do I question my own talent (or lack thereof)? Of course, that's just me. But I'll also be right back under the headset tomorrow and Friday and Sunday for four basketball games.

I told a few people about the job application in question and let it roll right off. When I said to them "I'm fine" I meant it. And I am.

We still have major mental health issues in our own country. So while Bell says "Let's Talk" in Canada, we can take it upon ourselves to keep talking and get the help needed.

Our lives are just a short spec on the larger timeline. I've felt like I've been spinning wheels for years and I want to see all of us get off the treadmill with Astro the dog.

Lives are lost over these things.

Let's talk, friends and loved ones and even strangers. Then let's get you the help you need. Professional help.

But let's talk.

And keep the conversation going.

DM's are open.

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