Friday, January 13, 2023

Fly Away


London, 2022

"You're in my spot," I said in my best Sheldon Cooper-esque voice and attitude.

The Cat was unimpressed.

But there were words to be written. Thoughts to be spilled.

A Friday night needed to end with a busy Saturday to follow.

I had to find another place to write these words without interrupting the mighty Rascal of Greenwich.

I am calling Boomslang girls basketball tomorrow at 9 a.m. in Hartsdale, NY. Brunswick hockey versus Hill later in the day at 4 p.m.

In the lull between games and depositions and other things, I've used my time to catch up on stuff around the apartment. Sometimes it's cleaning and keeping up with the place. Other times it's things I've wanted to watch or listen to. 

And looking into traveling to fulfill a promise.

Sean and I are planning to go to Florida in the break between the winter and spring sports seasons. The framework is in place but, of course, the planning is the hardest part.

As is my way, I've been weaving my way through the phalanx of websites for flight schedules and prices. In the back of my mind is also the possibility of driving. That is a sacred drive to me. I did it so many times with my parents and I last did it in 1989.

However, have you looked into renting a car lately? Prices are still obnoxious and nowhere near what they were pre-pandemic. So if we hit the road it will be in my own car.

Could we go to the airport via train? Get to Grand Central and take a ride from there? I've done it and it wasn't bad. But, still.

Oh, and trains? Ha. I priced Amtrak tickets. Yeah. No.

Flying offers its own issues. What airport? How are we getting to that airport? Are we doing long-term parking or getting a ride? How are we getting back home?

Of course, in looking for flights, there are the options of flying, say, out of LaGuardia and returning vis JFK. Well, that creates its own issues.

And then, of course, is the small fact that we basically have an airport in our back yard! Yes, Westchester County Airport is right next to Brunswick's sports facilities. And, yet, go ahead and price flying in and out of Westchester (HPN). It can be done but it's not easy.

This would be the easiest option because I'd get a taxi to and from the airport or something. Either way, it wouldn't be difficult.

These are of course not major problems in the grand scheme of things. We'll work it out. There's also a part of me that enjoys this process but I'd like to get the tickets booked and lock everything into place.

I've long believed that I failed Sean as a father by not getting him to Florida before. He's never been to Disney or Universal Studios as a result. Now, he doesn't quite care about princesses but he still loves him some Star Wars, for instance. He says he doesn't mind and is very gracious about it, but still, these are the things I feel guilty about.

So, for fun, we priced a day ticket to Disney and they start at $109. Look, I'm not trying to be cheap but I do try to travel responsibly. In that same regard, I nosed around the website for the Innisbrook resort near Tarpon Springs. Due to its connections to my late grandparents, we used to visit Innisbrook for brunch at least once a trip. However I've never stayed there, nor have I ever played golf there. I've always wanted to do that.

I looked at prices to spend a night. Rooms start at $300. Maybe we can still go have brunch.

The trip will come together in time (sooner rather than later) and all will be right. I'll keep digging. The goal is to fly into and out of Tampa but maybe we'll fly into Orlando or St. Petersburg or Sarasota or somewhere else. It will all happen and it will be worth it. You see, this is an area that has been important to me since I was a baby.

It will be a great time. I have no doubt. He's a great travel companion and I've told him a lot about the region.

Oh, and plans are in the works for a 2023 trip to London again. Another Hunt Scanlon conference is coming up!

By the way, I climbed into another spot to write and The Cat moved. Because of course, he did.

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