Saturday, December 10, 2022

Today's Pregame Thoughts



My father was born 93 years ago today in Hartsdale, NY.

It goes without saying that I think of him every day. As his "junior" I hear him in my voice and I see him in the mirror. Oh, I see him in my personality also in both the good and bad.

He was the most diplomatic, rational person I've ever met and I'd like to believe I have some of that.

He also had the most electric smile.

Sean creates the third generation and that's why I'm so glad his middle name is in honor of my dad.

He was heavily on my mind as we drove back from north of Newburgh last night following a memorial service for my cousin's mother-in-law. It was the kind of thing that my parents absolutely would have been at so I always like to think they smile knowing that we were there. But, more, it gets me thinking about what he'd be like at 93.

He wouldn't be a big fan of this world, that's for sure, but he was smart enough to know that he'd have to adjust. Yes, he'd grumble, but he would deal with it. 

Huh. I think I've got that trait also.

I thought of him without the sadness of the "what ifs" and how perhaps horrified he'd be at what has transpired in the nearly 34 years since he died. Instead, I found myself wistful and grateful for the time I had with him and missing his wisdom.

"I wish I had met him," Sean mused as we drove.

Me too. Me too.


It's Championship Saturday. I send best wishes from the keyboard to the players. To the coaches. To the trainers and support staff. To the cheerleaders. To the families. To the game operations people for each team and each facility. To the media who will tweet, write, film, produce, and (yes) talk about the games.

I'm writing now so that I don't feel the crunch, later on, to post something before midnight.

Championship days just feel different even if I'm always trying to believe it's just another game. It will be just another game once we're on the air and settled in. Yet, in the back of my mind, the magnitude of the moment is always there.

There have been multiple social media posts, texts, and private messages from people who are happy we're calling the game today (5:20 pregame on WGCH). That certainly encourages us to do what we do and it also makes it fun.

There will always be critics but I can assure you we'll be fair. Yes, the broadcast is "Greenwich Cardinals Football on WGCH" but there are two teams and, basically, three audiences listening:

1) Greenwich fans

2) Fairfield Prep fans

3) Football fans

We'll have all of that as well as casual fans in mind today. But, at the end of the day, it's a broadcast sponsored by Greenwich businesses on a Greenwich radio station. That doesn't mean there's a bias. It just means we're from Greenwich.

Ask most broadcasters and they'll understand exactly what I'm saying.

I know people are gathering at Greenwich High School shortly for a send-off in the parking lot for the team. I'm not aware of one for Prep and I've tried to be on top of things for both teams all week.

I've promoted this broadcast relentlessly and I apologize to those who are sick of it but, to me, I take the opportunity to cover this game as a blessing. I want listeners to know that they've got us to count on today.

My belief in audio coverage remains strong for those who can't afford to buy the video broadcast or can't watch for whatever reason. Radio and streaming audio still matter a lot.

So if you're in the car, working around the house, or flying home from Orlando (yes, I've heard that) we've got you.

We'll reflect when it's all over.


Rest in peace Grant Wahl. Soccer, and journalism, are a much sadder world without you today.


One very simple last message.

Go Army. Beat Navy.

For Dad.

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