Friday, April 08, 2022

Gonna Fly Soon

How do you travel?

No, that's a serious question. How do you prep? Does it almost take over your brain? Do you ever obsess over it?

Hi, that's me. OK, maybe it's not an obsession, but it's something I think about a lot.

In the middle of everything else going on (you know, the whole "where am I going to live?" thing) I also have a six-day trip to the UK rapidly approaching.

I'm not one who can basically wake up and go away. Oh, that doesn't mean I can't be spontaneous. No, that's not the case at all. That's something I've done and wish I could do more.

But I've thought about my upcoming business trip to London basically every time I have a free moment.


It's just how I'm wired.

So I began researching noise-canceling headphones. Then I bought a pair.

I began thinking about what to pack.

I got my suitcase out. In early March. And it's just sitting in my room.

I found out the name of the hotel and researched it including the location.

OK, especially the location because I need to know the nearest tube station.

I'll be on the Jubilee Line of the tube. Abbey Road is on the Jubilee Line.

I did some research on the site of the conference.

I began digging through the top tourist sites and what I might want to see.

I did a little research on how easy or difficult it would be to go to Liverpool since there were these four guys who came from there.

I'm not going to Liverpool. Car rentals were too expensive and trains were too few.

Then I considered getting to and from JFK airport. With that resolved, we worked out a time for me to meet up with my coworkers.

So then the consideration becomes what time to get up and when to leave the house and will I have breakfast before I leave?

(There's a well-known 24-hour deli in Millwood, NY called Rocky's. I'll be stopping there.)

Oh, and of course, I think about what I'm leaving here. Sean and The Squeaky Cat need to be taken care of.

As for what to pack there's still some thinking to be done since we're in that transitional time of year. Temps will probably be in the 50s but maybe the 60s. So...sort sleeve? Long sleeve? Do I bring shorts (likely not)? What about a jacket and layers?

Oh yeah and there's laundry to be done and continuing to clean the house and making time to pack and dotting all "i's" and crossing all "t's" before I leave the house on the 19th.

It's an event to me. Plus I appreciate the responsibility and expectation from others.

Again, it's fun to be spontaneous and I'm all in on that but if I have time to prepare then this is how my brain will work.

Does anyone else do this?

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