Wednesday, June 30, 2021

It's like thunder...and lightning


Kevin Skow/NOAA Photo Library

I was terrified of thunderstorms when I was little. That changed somewhere along the line.

Now, generally, bring 'em on. Although be careful what you wish for.

So I'm sitting here, typing away, as things turn progressively dark outside.

To be fair, it's 8:48 p.m. as I type, so of course, it's supposed to get dark, but it's also getting close to storming here. The weather apps all say we're under a thunderstorm watch.

So, I await some flashing and house-shaking. Wait, that sounds bad, but let's go with it.

My favorite time is right before it starts. I thought we were actually close before. The wind had picked up and I was all-in. I went and stood on the back porch, basking in the breeze as the trees waved.

That wind. Oh heck-to-the-yes. I'll stand outside and marvel at it, even as the rain begins to soak me.

Still, no thunder, lightning, or rain at the moment.

This in no way means that I don't respect the power of weather. I surely do and have seen many a crazed weather event in person and on TV as I'm a bit of a Weather Channel watcher.

No, I really am. It's one of the few reasons I continue to have Verizon Fios, and I continue to think about dumping it all the time.

But back to respecting the weather. There's an outlet in the basement of my parent's house that has a smoke mark on it from when lightning came close enough that it impacted us, circa 1980. 

So, while fascinating, I know the power of weather in all fashions.

And it does fascinate me. I feel fortunate to have not experienced some of the absolute worst that often has me riveted to the TV as Jim Cantore brings the details into my living room.

Does it thrill me when a lightning strike wakes me up in the middle of the night? No, but I can't help but also be enthralled by it a little bit.

Am I a fan of storms while calling a sporting event, especially baseball? Not at all. It brings on delays, and lightning will stop any sport/event that I'm broadcasting.

Of course, I don't relish a power outage either although I feel like that can be a good thing once in a while. However, it's never exactly ideal.

Still, bring it on tonight.

"If the rain comes they run and hide their heads..."

So I sit here. Waiting.

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