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Nope. No picture of Sean, Rascal, or even me |
Today is National Sons Day.
Or is it?
According to this page, it is, well, let them explain...
National Sons Day is mostly celebrated on September 28. However, there is some debate around the date for National Sons Day. Since 2018 many also recognize March 4th as the official National Sons Day.
So, OK. Well, whatever. You do you, I suppose.
There shall be no picture today.
I don't need to post stories, pictures, or anything else to celebrate my son (or my "cat child"). You know he exists and you know I'm proud of him. You know how much I treasure the relationship he has and how honest I am about him, for better or worse.
The last thing I want is for you to say, "Didya hear Rob has a son? He doesn't post anything about him ever! Hardee har har!"
If I do shove Sean's presence down your throat, I'm sorry because I don't want to be that dad. Incidentally, he doesn't want me to be that dad and I do keep that in mind.
Oh for sure I want to show you the many facets of our story and our lives but discretion does matter.
I also don't want to make him out to be a combination of Jesus, Mother Teresa, Lawrence Taylor, and Michael Jordan.
"Oh, the ultra-benevolent Sean! May he heal all of our sins." #AllHailSean
He's just himself. He does things on his own time. He's Sean.
While this may seem like a covert National Sons Day post to honor our guy, it's not. It's a reminder that as proud as we are of our kids, we run the risk of making people sick of the very kids that we're honoring in our constant posts.
It can have a bad effect in the long run.
Not that I'm here trying to tell you to not post about your son. There are many remarkable sons of all ages out there. I'd like to think I wasn't a bad one myself (though opinions vary I suppose).
But good grief enough already.
We get it. Your son plays eight different sports (OK, so I've lost count) as well as participating in music and other entertainment ventures. He's putting the yearbook together and he's on the student council and in the glee club and starting LOLP (Lack of Lead Pencils) for the underserved students of Sheboygan, WI.
God bless you, child!
You also have myriad adventures that all need to be carefully documented like the Zapruder film.
Will other moments more private in nature be filmed and glorified? Only time will tell for our social media deity!
However, please note such users can also be muted. Use with caution, of course.
Still, that being said, huzzah to all of the sons (and daughters, who were honored yesterday) for all that you do to bring joy to the lives of your parents.
Celebrate away!
Whichever date you choose.
While I'm on my social media bandwagon today, allow me to grouse about things that one can't comment on.
You know, you're not connected to someone yet it gets back to you that something completely inaccurate was posted and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Now, of course, context matters and so does the severity of the inaccuracy. Clearly, I wouldn't be harrumphing* about this if it wasn't of interest. I'll spare you the details except to say that it's something that I actually would sound off about. I normally wouldn't, leaving the insanity to others to simply pat the user on the head.
It's called "ignoring" and it can be wonderful.
But I let others know about how annoyed I currently am.
Yet this kind of behavior is enabled and never challenged. That's the part that makes my blood boil. Oh, don't worry, it's out of my control so I will calm down and we'll move on.
Such negativity, I'm told, is better served out of one's life anyway. A similar statement was recently used about me but, in truth, I'm happy to have that person out of my life in the end (similar inaccuracies were uttered in the process of that ugliness and I simply ignored it). I'm content to walk away with my dignity and not resort to low-hanging mud-slinging.
I could have, but nah.
In the end, same here.
I've never been one to cut people out of my life but, well, it's sometimes cathartic.
Yet, as a journalist, I'm about the truth and that the truth isn't served is the part that is grinding my gears.
Deep breath. Sigh. We'll move on.
It's social media. And it's stupid.
*I will reference Blazing Saddles anytime I can.
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