Wednesday, May 31, 2023

A Man Called Sean


My mind is in multiple places tonight. It's still digesting a movie. But, first...

It's still at the ballpark. Heritage Financial Park, to be exact. It was Education Day and the Renegades had an 11 a.m. game. While I don't love the getting up and leaving early part, I do love an early start to a game. 

When it's over, the day is out in front of us.

Lori was there, and Sean came with me. Family. 

Sean was going to drive himself and then head to his mother's after that game but she said today "wasn't a good day." I'm fairly astounded by that given that's his legal address but we'll leave it there. So we drove up together.

He's back here with me tonight. Where it's always a good day.

So, yes, Education Day. Schools from around the area converged on the stadium, many decked out in matching t-shirts. They were all full-lunged and ready for fun.

Music! Food! Games! Hanging with friends!

They might have also watched a little baseball.

They were given free hats by the team and they wanted them signed.

The group in front of us turned around and asked those of us in the PA booth if we'd sign their hats. While I'm nobody, I also don't like turning them down. They're kind enough to ask (and say thank you) and what possible harm can it do to put my scribble on a hat?

Eventually, a few of them moved a few windows down to a cameraman.


He was beaming when I walked down to see him. He has watched me sign a few autographs over the years but this was the first time he'd ever been asked. Like me, he asked if the kids really wanted his autograph and they all said yes.


The crew in the PA booth with me was remarkable. They played music and sounds that engaged the kids. When 4,000 people are singing at the top of their lungs with the music being produced right next to me, that's remarkable. It makes me laugh and takes my breath away.

The game? Meh. Fairly unmemorable from a hometown standpoint. But for those kids, hopefully, a lot of laughs, and a memorable experience. If we added anything then I'm happy.


I did "Doubleheader" after we got home, then we had dinner. Then I turned the TV on and found myself looking for something to watch.

Tom Hanks showed up and, believe me, I almost never say no. In fact, I don't know that I've ever said no to something with Tom Hanks in it, having been a fan for basically 40 years.

I wasn't sure where "A Man Called Otto" was going to take me.

A few hours later, I'm still not sure.

If you've seen it, perhaps you understand what I'm saying. Are there laughs? A few. Dark? Absolutely. Profound? That works. Uplifting? A little. Sad? Yes, I think so. Annoying? Yeah, I'll throw that word in also.

We all know an Otto. Some of us have been an Otto. To drill down even further, some of us have been an Otto at times. Not constantly but occasionally.

And there was a cat. Rascal was pleased. Or he slept as I watched it. Or both.

But I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it.

I think it's worth your time, especially since Tom Hanks is an American treasure. But it's also worth it for a variety of reasons that I think will become apparent only after you watch it.

Be prepared for a bit of a roller coaster. Oh, and being honest, not everyone is going to love it.

Last thing: Life isn't easy. We get handed all kinds of twists and turns. But know there are people who have your back.

Including me.

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