Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Big City. Big Topics


(Photo: LinkedIn)

Another lanyard.

When you're involved with conferences -- attending, presenting, or moderating -- you get lanyards. Lots of them.

I've got a bunch now and I added one more to the collection today.

It was the final conference for Hunt Scanlon in 2022 at the Harvard Club in Manhattan.

From New York to London to San Francisco and back to New York, we all logged a lot of miles via air, rail, car, and by foot.

The main conspirators in this buddy film are Chris, Scott, Mike, Erik, and Walker.

And me.

There are other supporting players but you get the idea.

Today's topic was diversity, equity, and inclusion -- also known as DE&I. It's safe to say those three words are more than just a catchphrase. It's a topic that had been a train on the tracks before 2020. Then it picked up speed.

The presentations -- individuals, duos, and panels -- were each powerful and prescient. Most who read this little enclave of the interwebs know that this should be common sense but, then again, we know the drill.

Common sense isn't always common.

What I really appreciated about the day was that it truly was a day of inclusion. While I wasn't a presenter, my voice was as welcome as any voice in the room. Everyone could be heard and many were.

Oh, don't get me wrong, my voice matters in that I'm steering the bus through the day. I've said before what it's like for me. It's a day that is exhausting mentally because I'm constantly watching time while multitasking with messages and texts flying around. It's also a bit of walking (to and from train stations in New York and Greenwich) and a lot of shuffling around.

It was also exhausting in that I was on almost no sleep and was up at 4 a.m. to be at the train station by 5 a.m. My back is sore and my feet hurt and, for what it's worth, that's good. I was happy to be active even if I'm in a little pain.

But, like climbing St. Paul's Cathedral or anything else in life, I'm proud when it's wrapped up. Sure, I get to play "the voice" or even "the face" to an extent and I'm grateful for the kind feedback but it's being a part of this team that I enjoy so much.

And guiding along a day with such important conversations. Again, diversity? Equity? Inclusion? Yes, yes, and yes. It's a humbling and rewarding day.

Oh, sure, I heard nice things about that voice of mine. No, I still don't get it. I think my voice is fine but I don't really think it's anything special. Still, a couple of attendees made sure to point out how much they liked it. One even said so to the entire audience of well over 200 people. I turned red, smiled, and sat down.

There's a nice payoff in gathering for the post-conference reception and chatting with attendees who gushed about the content. It's also at that point that guards come down and there's business talk combined with other topics. Relationships are fostered in those moments.

Now comes the winter break from conferences, with the next one lined up for March in New York City again. London and San Francisco are both on the docket for 2023 as we appear to be just as busy next year.

I'll be ready and we'll just keep getting better at it as I get even more comfortable.

There will be more lanyards to acquire.

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