Tuesday, February 01, 2022



The Exit 55 Classified Section

WANTED: PLACE TO LIVE -- Looking for 1-2 bedroom apartment (contingent on 20-year-old non-troublesome son) in Danbury, Brewster, Carmel, Mahopac, Greenwich, Stamford, or basically anywhere in-between. Must be pet-friendly for three-year-old ultra-sweet but somewhat shy (and weird) black cat. Price is everything. Affordable would be great. Needed soon. Like, quite soon.

So, in short, I need to move. After 58-plus years, it's time to clean out the house and relocate (No, I'm not 58). I'm nervous but, frankly, it's time to come out and say this. 

Depending on where I move Sean will likely continue to live with me every other week. I've pondered a one-bedroom scenario where we give him a comfy living room and I've pondered a two-bedroom scenario. I can be swayed either way.

I'm open-minded. In truth, due to the life that I lead, I would prefer something with a washer/dryer simply over the concern of having time to go sit in a laundromat. Beyond that, Sean and I are pretty quiet and don't cause a lot of fuss. We rarely have company and Squeaky just goes about his day as well.

Honestly, we'll be great tenants. 

Sean tends to get up late morning and go to bed late while I'm all over the place depending on depositions, games, etc. Even then you won't really know we're around. Sean is on his computer or under a headset talking to his friends.

Me? I do my broadcasting but I'm pretty quiet.

Sure, I love music but I don't tend to play it loud and, even then, I keep things peaceful during late night hours. Even my depositions are mostly low-key affairs regardless of time.

Work? I'm gainfully employed, thank you very much. Dan and Craig keep me busy with depositions. Brunswick and Local Live keep me loaded with games. Hunt Scanlon keeps me going with podcasts and conferences.

Etc...etc...and so on. I'm busy and making a fair income.

So, there you have it. Any help is appreciated and I'm actually not really stuck on the places I mentioned above. The right situation could work. It's a very flexible time for me.

Reply: Me. Here or via social media channels or cell.

Please note: I'm very nervous about all of this.

Thank you.

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