Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Upside of Social Media and the Heartbreak of Loss

I truly find social media fascinating.  I'd take a job working with it if I could find one.  Anyway, there was a huge outpouring of emotion over the passing of Steve Smith this week.

Oh, you didn't know Steven Smith?  No - neither did I, and to be fair, I hadn't heard of him until I began reading about his passing in several places online, from varied and respected people.  Well-known journalists and more were writing about his passing.

Smith was 24 when he was killed in a crash on the New York State Thruway.  He had many friends and a living family, but the way most of the world got to know him was via Twitter.  He had over 23,000 tweets, and a following that was as large as the group he followed.  A die-hard Yankees fan who seemed (from all that I've read) to know what he was talking about and was fair and honest in his opinions, he had attracted a fairly loyal following.

Many have paid tribute to him.  I'm posting a link to one from Amanda Rykoff, a contributor to espnW.  It's very well written.

To get the full story, let me direct you to Pete Iorizzo's story in the Albany Times-Union.

The young woman who had fallen for him but never had the chance to tell him so, continues to Tweet with a broken heart.


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