Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Linky Dinks

Let's start with a rare road note.  Ever wonder about I-95?  I mean, you're on the New Jersey Turnpike and...WHACK!...the I-95 signs are gone!  There's a longer story to it (neighborhood opposition and so on) but the road has been unfinished forever.  Yet there is a plan, but it's going to take some time (Toll Road News).

I gave you my final Bill Gonillo Five vote yesterday.  Tim Parry announces the final results (FCIAC Footblal Blog).

Tim also gives us the final state polls.

Tim pointed this out to me.  A little abuse for Bridgeport, CT on "Family Guy."

Staying with videos, I hope everyone has kept their sense of humor.  I saw this on Jeff Pearlman's blog, and I laughed pretty hard at it.  I like playing with stereotypes and so on, and that's what these famous folks do, while talking about a worthy cause.  Plus it's from director Judd Apatow (who produced the "Exit 55" much-beloved Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy).  So here.  Please laugh.

Here's more about the film from the New York Times.

One more video for you.  Terry Bradshaw (Favorite.  Football.  Player.  Ever.)  pays tribute to "Dandy Don."  Nice.  Linked from Fang's Bites.
<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-us&amp;brand=foxsports&amp;from=foxsports_en-us_videocentral&amp;vid=5c349790-ea0f-4e5d-ba4b-a2ad60fcd289" target="_new" title="NFL on FOX: Fired Up">Video: NFL on FOX: Fired Up</a>

Fang's Bites also brings us the advance press notes on the MLB Networks airing of Game 7 of the 1960 World Series.  Won't be easy for a Yankees fan to watch, but it's broadcasting history, so I will try.

Also from broadcasting, I remember so well when NBC went without broadcasters for a meaningless Jets/Dolphins game in the Orange Bowl in 1980.  I watched on that Saturday and was fascinated.  ESPN remembers it also, by Greg Garber.

Stuck in the 80's brings us Will Farrell (I'm bowing now at his greatness) and John C. Reilly doing a parody at the class mashup between David Bowie and Bing Crosby (originally done on TV in 1977).  It comes via Funny or Die, with an MP3 download.  It is, to be blunt, awesome.

That should be enough to hold y'all for tonight.  If you're in the East, stay warm.  It's a whopping 18 degrees here at "Exit 55" Headquarters!  No wonder I'm getting the urge for baseball season!

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