Monday, March 16, 2020

We Survived Monday

Programming notes: The Clubhouse is on hiatus, effective immediately. Grand Prix New York -- our home for the show -- has to close in accordance with the State of New York until further notice. Additionally, I can't tell you when I'll be back in the studio. We didn't do Doubleheader today. It's possible I might move it online/Facebook only. I'm still thinking things over. I'd like the show to be a release for all of us.

It was 3:30 a.m.

I don't remember what I was dreaming, but I remember the sound that I heard.

It was a sound like an asthma attack but it was coming from Chico, the large gray cat.

Not particularly looking forward to cleaning vomit off my bed in the middle of the night, I shot up to see what was going on.

Yet, it was as if he had a tickle in his throat. He stopped, sat back down, and began to purr as I petted him.

A few minutes later, the wheezing began again. The cycle ran it's course, he never vomited, and even had the decency to stand at the end of the bed just in case.

But I was now wide-awake.

Ah, the struggle to go back to sleep in the middle of the night during a pandemic. What could possibly go wrong?

Worry about no work? Worry about paying bills? Worry about taxes? Worry about my car?

Worry about my mother catching this thing?


So, I might not be making much sense here.

I had to leave the house today, as much as I didn't want to.
I had to drive said mother to and from dialysis and take my son home*.

* Sean always insists he's at "home" with dad also.

But, as I watched him unlock the door and go into the house, the sense of dread hit me.

Honestly, when will I see him again?

It's clear he's off from school at least through March, and likely a chunk of April, but we know it's still The Great Unknown (thanks, Doug Kerr).

He could come back whenever, but at what cost? Beyond going to the grocery story and getting mom to dialysis, there aren't many good reasons to go out.

As I write the city of San Francisco is getting ready to go on a complete lock down. Will that be us?

The Great Unknown.

We're in this spot in part because people can't stay off the beach in Florida or stay out of bars.

Let's just get through this and get back to life.

This all has to go a day at a time.

We will get though this.

Monday is over.

See you tomorrow.

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