"I’m not at liberty to discuss any of the why’s, when’s and wherefore’s (which you may understand)."
I absolutely do and while I'm bummed at the way their website handled it, I appreciated their professionalism. It's too bad that these online rights are so stupid, especially since we're talking about recorded history from a very important day in the 20th Century.
In case you're wondering how CBS handled that day, check this out.
I'm also having an email exchange with somebody from the New York State Department of Transportation on a road subject that I was curious about. Guess I'm getting bold and inquisitive in my old age. Anyway it's not something that any of you will care about but I wanted to know why the various contractors are screwing signs up lately. For instance all over the area of Somers and Yorktown, I'm seeing the wrong shields used for a particular route. I wondered why - not uncommon among road geeks.
Allow me to show you what I mean:
When you mock me, be kind. This is my hobby and it's unique but I'm not hurting anybody, right?
Oh, and thanks to Mick and Sean for their comments. Please go tell Mick that he doesn't have to post only on Thursday's - despite the name of his blog. It's "gangsta" to do something out of sequence!
Speaking of gangstas...er...gangsters, here's a refresher of The Sopranos up until this season began. This should load you up for the finale on Sunday night. Lots of wild theories floating around.
Cool blog, i just randomly surfed in, but it sure was worth my time, will be back
Deep Regards from the other side of the Moon
Biby Cletus
That's very interesting about the signs. Now, if you can answer this question for me: What are the balls that I see on wires running across highways. I think there are some on 684 near Katonah.
Best to my knowledge, they're basically there to keep the lines tight over the highway - so that they don't fall down. That's the best answer I have.
By the way, my email will be causing the signs to eventually be corrected. That wasn't my plan but that's OK.
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