Thursday, August 22, 2019

A North Carolina Edition of 'I've Got Nothing'

Stedman, N.C. -- This has been a different kind of trip.

Normally, I'm on the go. Up early, out early. Breakfast, then do this and that and go here and there and maybe come back to the home base along the way before dinner.

Today, some of that was true, but we spent a large chunk at said home base.

And it's the third day in a row that we've done that.

Tomorrow might not be like that, and I can't stress enough that I'm not complaining. Oh, sure, I had a little bout of boredom, but that had as much to do with exhaustion as it did anything else.

I woke up around 3:30 this morning. I tossed, turned, then turned again. I checked my phone, looked out at the world, and eventually sat on the stairs and petted a cat as my great-nieces slept down below.

It was just one of those nights of the snowball feeling, in which everything just becomes awful.

It happens.

I grabbed another hour of sleep before moving on with the day.

But tonight, the members of my traveling party pushed for a visit to Pedro, so we went to South of the Border. I know, it's a tourist trap but, as with Waffle House and other things I enjoy, it is what it is.

It also holds a connection to my youth, from the days that I had my family read each billboard to me. It was a highlight, whether we stopped or not. So to go back, and now to take my own son (who wants to go every time we're here) is fairly priceless.

We walk together and laugh and talk.

So I get that it's not a place for everyone. I get that it's got certain connotations. But it's still a good place for me.

I opted for the older road, mostly using U.S. 301 back as opposed to trusty Interstate 95.

We made it back to here and are beginning to settle in for the night.

Tomorrow will be a busy day.

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