Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Nope. Not Tonight.

His curveball was nasty (Sandy Koufax)

I'm going to sit this one out tonight.

I talked to the coach and he said I should just take a break.

"I love the streak, kid," he said. "But you're just not you. We can try to pinch-hit you later on."

But I know I'm getting the night off.

They're throwing the best lefthander anyway, and I can't hit his curveball.

So, take a break.

There's been enough to this day anyway.

Sadness, confusion, insanity. Hell, I didn't even have a full Doubleheader in me today, so I bailed and ran audio from last Saturday's football game.

I was basically a board-op and engineer for The Clubhouse.

But, at least I couldn't really say anything dumb.

"Kid, you need to be fresh," the coach said. "We'll see you tomorrow."

And so we'll try it again then.

Happy birthday, John Lennon. You were one messed up, troubled dude. But, somewhere you had a good heart. Shine on, John. We all shine on.

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