Monday, March 01, 2010

MSG Mania

Remember the issue WGCH had with MSG (and MSG Varisty)? I told my story here, while Tim Parry added his here.

John Nash of The Hour jumps into the fire with a well-written piece. He says what we're all feeling: that in theory what MSG and MSG Varsity is doing is good, but they have to stop essentially being so obnoxious about it.

As I've said before - I would work there because I think I'm a pretty good broadcaster and I love to call games. That's what I do. And I'm sure that, one-on-one, they're all good people (most of them, anyway). I've had nice conversations with most of their talent, and I think we've helped each other. I've spoken with members of their crew, and learn things about what they do, and vice-versa. Yet there are still some issues. John Nash brings many of the same things we have all said, in the open and behind the scenes.

They may never address the differences and that's their prerogative. Yet it would be better to have us all work together since we're there for the same goal - the game and the athletes.

There's a pretty good chance that if Greenwich advances to the hockey FCIAC Championship, WGCH will be there for the call. Yet what will the MSG impact be on us - who have called games from the same spot in the Terry Conners Rink for over a decade? Will they try to take that entire "press row" area, blocking us from the phone line that we need and use? The same area where the team video units set up shop?

Really - can't we all just get along?

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