Monday, March 17, 2008

Wrapping Up the Winter

So we've crowned our winter champions in Connecticut high school sports (congrats to all), and as we get ready to turn our attention to spring (baseball, here I come!!), I was struck by a well thought-out piece by my compadre, Mr. Tim Parry. Tim says, in short, that FCIAC hockey can't compete with the big boys. Ridgefield, Darien, New Canaan, Greenwich, all had over .500 records, yet all came up short. Your Division I champion? Fairfield Prep, with the lofty regular season record of 9-10-1.

Now don't get me wrong - I'm down with Prep. My nephew Conor goes there, so big ups to the Jesuits! Yet as Tim points out, the level of competition is much higher for Prep than it was for virtually anybody in the FCIAC.

Tim's got suggestions, and his complete post here.

I'm going to return to my lunchtime interview with my friend Olivia. She has been asking me lots of important things about life (favorite foods, people, games, etc). The probing inquiries of a six-year-old!

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